ESG Supply Chain Manager
VertragsartFull Time
EinstiegslevelHigh Professionals

thyssenkrupp nucera ist der Aufbruch in eine neue Ära mit grünem Wasserstoff im industriellen Maßstab. thyssenkrupp nucera bietet weltweit führende Technologien für hocheffiziente Elektrolyseanlagen. Das Unternehmen – ein Joint Venture mit Industrie De Nora – verfügt über umfangreiches Know-how in Planung, Beschaffung und Bau von elektrochemischen Anlagen. Die Erfolgsbilanz umfasst mehr als 600 Projekte mit einer installierten Gesamtkapazität von mehr als 10 Gigawatt. Mit seiner Wasserelektrolyse-Technologie zur Erzeugung von grünem Wasserstoff schafft thyssenkrupp nucera innovative Lösungen im industriellen Maßstab für grüne Wertschöpfungsketten und eine Industrie, die mit sauberer Energie betrieben wird – ein großer Schritt in Richtung Klimaneutralität.

Ihre Aufgaben

The ESG Supply Chain Manager needs to have a deep understanding of sustainability, ethical business practices, and responsible supply chain management. This involves full depth understanding of NCA’s operations from the footprint of the supply chain to an understanding of where the materials come from, who works on those materials, and the journey it takes to get to the facilities. We are looking for someone who is able to identify and address potential ESG risks and opportunities throughout the supply chain, from sourcing raw materials to delivering products to customers, build supplier capacity, and implement ESG policies and procedures to mitigate those risks and capitalize on opportunities. This holistic understanding is critical for identifying and addressing ESG risks and opportunities and developing effective ESG strategies that align with our values.


Ihre Aufgaben

  • You support the organization in the vendor selection and development, provide ESG trainings and guidance to enhance ESG performance
  • You track and report on ESG performance metrics which involved collecting and analyzing data on a range of ESG factors such as GHG emissions, labor practices, and supply chain transparency
  • You use the data to measure the company’s progress towards our ESG goals
  • You work closely with cross-functional teams such as procurement, QM, health and safety, and logistics and support these teams to understand and implement ESG policies and procedures effectively
  • You collaborate and communicate efficiently with internal stakeholders to incorporate ESG considerations into decision making processes for the supply chain, to manage expectations and address concerns.
  • You identify potential risks in the supply chain and develop strategies to mitigate supply chain risks or unexpected disruptions, such as natural disasters or geopolitical events.
  • You stay informed about relevant laws and regulations governing supply chain activities and ensuring that the supply chain processes comply with legal and regulatory requirements.



Ihr Profil
  • You have completed your studies in supply chain management, sustainability management, business economics or similar qualification with a solid background knowledge in handling ESG Supply Chains.
  • Your independent and structured way of working, communication skills to engage actively with internal and external stakeholders to promote ESG practices, as well as analytical skills help you manage new requirements and successfully balance interests of all internal and external parties. You will need to be able to move between multiple audiences and contexts deftly.
  • Professional experience in procurement, supply chain management, preferably with a focus on Supplier Engagement is a plus.
  • You are familiar with regulatory ESG frameworks (EU taxonomy, SFDR, CSRD, NFRD, GRI etc.) as well as relevant benchmarks (Science Based Targets).
  • You have excellent language skills in English as well as expert knowledge in MS Office, i.e., Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.
  • You have an integrating style of working, enjoy working in cross-functional teams and projects and are keen to implement and steer governance processes
Ihre Vorteile
Wir schätzen Vielfalt

Das Unternehmen setzt sich für die Förderung von Vielfalt und Integration am Arbeitsplatz ein. Es ist bestrebt, ein integratives Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen, in dem die Mitarbeiter ihr volles Potenzial entfalten können, sowie eine Kultur, die Unterschiede begrüßt und ein Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit schafft.

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