Civil Design Manager
VertragsartFull Time
EinstiegslevelHigh Professionals

thyssenkrupp nucera ist der Aufbruch in eine neue Ära mit grünem Wasserstoff im industriellen Maßstab. thyssenkrupp nucera bietet weltweit führende Technologien für hocheffiziente Elektrolyseanlagen. Das Unternehmen – ein Joint Venture mit Industrie De Nora – verfügt über umfangreiches Know-how in Planung, Beschaffung und Bau von elektrochemischen Anlagen. Die Erfolgsbilanz umfasst mehr als 600 Projekte mit einer installierten Gesamtkapazität von mehr als 10 Gigawatt. Mit seiner Wasserelektrolyse-Technologie zur Erzeugung von grünem Wasserstoff schafft thyssenkrupp nucera innovative Lösungen im industriellen Maßstab für grüne Wertschöpfungsketten und eine Industrie, die mit sauberer Energie betrieben wird – ein großer Schritt in Richtung Klimaneutralität.

Ihre Aufgaben
  • You will work closely with other engineering team leads to deliver projects for our clients while continuing to develop your skills and experience etc.
  • Interrogation of enquiry documents, coordination of technical support required from the civil/structural design during proposal making, tender preparations and production of design estimates. Liaison with other internal departments during these early stages will culminate in the production of Technical design documents.
  • Review and Approval (including 3D model ) of Subcontractor’s design proposals and Subcontractor’s civil/structural design calculations. Coordinating quality control of all civil/structural design related deliverables and ensuring compliance with current Indian/international codes and standards (Incl. Temporary Works). Undertaking formal design reviews throughout the project cycle as defined within company Engineering’s procedures.
  • Develop cost-effective design layouts based on construction specifications and requirements. Perform civil design analysis and calculations according to project requirements.
  • Prepare material take-offs and determine civil/structural/construction cost and material estimates based on preliminary civil/structural designs for feasibility studies, detail project reports, project cost estimations and technical reports.
  • Investigation of value engineering and value creation opportunities.
  • Management of client civil/structural design team to ensure the efficient and intelligent production of design deliverables.
  • Line Management responsibilities for recruitment of new civil/structural design team members.
  • Adhere to established design guidelines and procedures.
  • Coordinating the provision of technical assistance to project delivery teams during proposal making, engineering, construction, installation and commissioning phases of projects.
  • Ensuring engineering change is effectively managed and reported to the proposal/project team.
  • Monitoring design progression for each project, in conjunction with the planning team, and ensuring early identification and escalation of potential issues where necessary.
  • Coordination of project delivery team involvement to ensure buildability and commissioning input is obtained at appropriate stages in the design development process.
  • Championing continuous improvement of the design delivery process.
    Identification and adoption/implementation of software packages to improve the efficiency of the design development process.
  • Provide mentoring and transfer knowledge to entry level engineers and designers
    Work with architectural drawings and models to design construction projects.
  • Perform design changes and improvements according to changing project demands.
  • Stay abreast with latest developments with civil/structural design fields.
  • Ensure compliance with ISO quality requirements.
Ihr Profil
  • You have a university degree in Civil/Structural engineering with min. 15 years hands on work experience in chemical plant civil/structural design and engineering.
  • A working experience in all phases of engineering e.g., Concept, Basic and Detail Engineering phases of the requirements of civil/structural design & engineering and the basic requirements of other engineering fields
  • A history of managing a civil/structural design lead engineer(s) for a project through Subcontracting
  • Experience in providing visible leadership and governance in engineering delivery. A keen eye for detail with the ability to resolve technical queries and review/approve design documentation
  • Competent use of civil engineering specific software like Tekla is added advantage
  • Hands on experience in design of Pipe racks, Technological Structures, static and vibrating equipment foundations, RCC structures, blast resisting structure, drainage and pavement design, various types of steel connections.
  • Through knowledge of various design codes, particularly Indian, American and Euro codes and statutory & regulatory specifications and detailing practices & codes of practice.
  • Have good understanding of requirements from other disciplines like Layout, Piping, Electrical, Instrumentation and Mechanical etc.
  • Furthermore, you have strong analytical skills, strategic thinking, experience in addressing techno-commercial topics.
  • Your team spirit and intercultural awareness supports you leveraging cultural differences in our international work environment.
  • You have good communication skills, verbal and written to communicate with client and other stake holders.
Ihre Vorteile
  • Electrolysis – Green Hydrogen & Chlor Alkali Technology Provider for a livable planet.
  • Working on Global clients.
  • You will be part of new establishment for upcoming generation.
  • Company believes in Innovation and Employee Empowerment.
  • Excellent work culture.
Wir schätzen Vielfalt

Das Unternehmen setzt sich für die Förderung von Vielfalt und Integration am Arbeitsplatz ein. Es ist bestrebt, ein integratives Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen, in dem die Mitarbeiter ihr volles Potenzial entfalten können, sowie eine Kultur, die Unterschiede begrüßt und ein Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit schafft.

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