Buyer / Expeditor / Estimator
VertragsartFull Time
EinstiegslevelHigh Professionals

thyssenkrupp nucera ist der Aufbruch in eine neue Ära mit grünem Wasserstoff im industriellen Maßstab. thyssenkrupp nucera bietet weltweit führende Technologien für hocheffiziente Elektrolyseanlagen. Das Unternehmen – ein Joint Venture mit Industrie De Nora – verfügt über umfangreiches Know-how in Planung, Beschaffung und Bau von elektrochemischen Anlagen. Die Erfolgsbilanz umfasst mehr als 600 Projekte mit einer installierten Gesamtkapazität von mehr als 10 Gigawatt. Mit seiner Wasserelektrolyse-Technologie zur Erzeugung von grünem Wasserstoff schafft thyssenkrupp nucera innovative Lösungen im industriellen Maßstab für grüne Wertschöpfungsketten und eine Industrie, die mit sauberer Energie betrieben wird – ein großer Schritt in Richtung Klimaneutralität.

Ihre Aufgaben

In this role you will work as Buyer / Estimator / Expeditor – Procurement group for global and Indian Projects. You will be expected to


  • Float enquiries & expedite for offers.
  • Review technical recommendations issued by engineering group. Prepare commercial bid analysis, review commercial terms & conditions and highlight the issues / problem areas to Lead Engineer. Ensure that there is sufficient back-up data for discussions. Extrapolate the most recent price of materials ordered. Provide internal cost estimate based on facts.
  • Involve in Techno-commercial negotiations with vendors in the interest of the organization.
  • Obtain approval from lead engineer for placement of orders, issue orders to vendors & expedite for order acknowledgement.
  • Co-ordinate with the vendors for the timely documents submission, inspection, delivery of material and also with internal stakeholders. Arrange meetings with vendors, if required.
  • Identify and highlight the areas of concern which are affecting the project schedule and act as an interface between vendors and internal team to find a solution and resolve the same. In case of ambiguity in related engineering specifications / approved drawings, co-ordinate with the respective engineering department.
  • Make periodic visits to the vendor’s facilities to expedite the delivery.
  • Expedite for document submission from vendors and co-ordinate with technical disciplines for approval.
  • Update the Team periodically the delivery status of supplies and ensure that the supplies are as per the schedule and their requirement. Anticipate proactively if there is any delay envisaged from the vendor and inform the Team accordingly.
  • Estimate for individual items & for the entire equipment list, piping material for proposals, projects and paid studies etc.
  • Provide feedback on system related issues to star users for dynamic resolution of issues and for better analysis.
  • Do Day-to-day up-dation & maintenance of vendor and cost database.
  • Provide feedback on vendor performance with respect to vendor capabilities, adherence to time schedule, resolving issues etc.
  • Work in a multi-cultural environment with international teams on global projects.
Ihr Profil
  • Completed university studies as a graduate engineer or comparable master’s degreee.
  • Several years, minimum 5 years of professional experience in the aforementioned areas of responsibility, ideally in the field of chemical plant engineering and construction.
  • Focused work, take initiative, proactive, team-player and negotiating skills.
  • Strong Vendor / Customer orientation and intercultural competence.
  • Willingness to travel at short notice.
  • Good English language skills and communication skills.
  • Experience of working on Estimation & Expediting tools is an added advantage.
  • Experience in ERP System (SAP-MM Module).
  • Professional experience in Procurement Function in a reputed engineering company is an added advantage.
  • Having basic knowledge in Estimation is an added advantage.
Ihre Vorteile

Electrolysis – Green Hydrogen & Chlor Alkali Technology Provider for a livable planet.
Working on Global clients.
You will be part of new establishment for upcoming generation.
Company believes in Innovation and Employee Empowerment.
Excellent work culture

Wir schätzen Vielfalt

Das Unternehmen setzt sich für die Förderung von Vielfalt und Integration am Arbeitsplatz ein. Es ist bestrebt, ein integratives Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen, in dem die Mitarbeiter ihr volles Potenzial entfalten können, sowie eine Kultur, die Unterschiede begrüßt und ein Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit schafft.

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