Equipment and Machinery Coordinator
VertragsartFull Time
EinstiegslevelHigh Professionals

thyssenkrupp nucera ist der Aufbruch in eine neue Ära mit grünem Wasserstoff im industriellen Maßstab. thyssenkrupp nucera bietet weltweit führende Technologien für hocheffiziente Elektrolyseanlagen. Das Unternehmen – ein Joint Venture mit Industrie De Nora – verfügt über umfangreiches Know-how in Planung, Beschaffung und Bau von elektrochemischen Anlagen. Die Erfolgsbilanz umfasst mehr als 600 Projekte mit einer installierten Gesamtkapazität von mehr als 10 Gigawatt. Mit seiner Wasserelektrolyse-Technologie zur Erzeugung von grünem Wasserstoff schafft thyssenkrupp nucera innovative Lösungen im industriellen Maßstab für grüne Wertschöpfungsketten und eine Industrie, die mit sauberer Energie betrieben wird – ein großer Schritt in Richtung Klimaneutralität.

Ihre Aufgaben

Aim of the position

The Equipment and Machinery Coordinator activity will be structured as per details below:

He/she will be involved in the activities relevant to Engineering, collaborating with the Project Management Department and the Procurement and Supply Management Department. He/She will also take part – when necessary – in technical meetings at clients’ site or supplier location and may be involved in supervision activities during the erection, commissioning and start-up phases.

He/She will lead a team of skilled engineers, ensuring the successful delivery of projects within scope, budget, and timeline. This position requires a strategic thinker with strong leadership, coordination and relationship skills and a deep understanding of engineering principles.


Main responsibilities and Contents

Specifically, the resource will have to deal with the following activities:

  • Ensuring efficient communication and collaboration with Project Management department;
  • Plan all related engineering activities and report to the project and engineering manager on the status of engineering tasks for each project;
  • Ensure required engineering meeting, reporting and milestones are executed in time;
  • Supervision and approval of project documentation (Equipment and Machinery Design);
  • Ensure that quotation requests to vendors and external engineering resources are compliant with internal rules;
  • Supervision and approval of technical evaluation of quotations for Mechanical Equipment;
  • Ensure the follow Up of Mechanical Equipment ordered respects project milestones;
  • Coordination of inspections on Mechanical Equipment at vendors’ workshop;
  • Support to Sales and Service Department for equipment and machinery cost estimation and consultancy on specific mechanical issues;
  • Cooperation with internal technical departments: Engineering Management, Process, Layout and Piping, Instrumentation, Electrical;
  • Availability for business travel worldwide to take part to technical meeting with clients, site activities and to plant surveys.



Ihr Profil

Skills, qualifications and abilities

The ideal candidate satisfies the following requirements:

  • Master Degree of Engineering or equivalent culture;
  • At least 10 years of specific experience in engineering companies operating in the field of industrial plant design;
  • At least 5 Years of experience in coordinating equipment and/or machinery teams (both internal and external resources);
  • Experience and knowledge in planning and following up resources and activities on short term and mid-term time horizons
  • Knowledge of the main IT tools (Word, Excel) and AUTOCAD;
  • Good spoken and written knowledge of the English language;
  • Availability to travel worldwide for technical meetings, site activities and plant surveys;
  • Excellent ability to work in team and create a positive environment;
  • Good will and proactivity also in collaborating with other departments;
  • Open mind to continuous improvement and professional growth in plant design and mechanical machinery engineering.
Ihre Vorteile

At thyssenkrupp nucera Italy we offer:

  • Participation in the growing market of sustainable green hydrogen
  • International work environment in interdisciplinary and multinational teams
  • Flat hierarchies and short decision-making routes
  • Good development opportunities either in a specialist or in a management function
  • Flexible working time (flexible working hours at office and smartworking) and welfare plan
  • Agreements with special rates for local transportation means and fitness studio membership
  • Availability of canteen inside the company and free parking spaces for employees
  • Availability of public transportation infrastructure: Metrò green line M2, stop Lambrate, train Trenord, as well as speedway tangenziale est, exit Rubattino


For application please send your CV to:

Wir schätzen Vielfalt

Das Unternehmen setzt sich für die Förderung von Vielfalt und Integration am Arbeitsplatz ein. Es ist bestrebt, ein integratives Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen, in dem die Mitarbeiter ihr volles Potenzial entfalten können, sowie eine Kultur, die Unterschiede begrüßt und ein Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit schafft.

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