Mechanical Engineer – Machinery
VertragsartFull Time
EinstiegslevelHigh Professionals

thyssenkrupp nucera ist der Aufbruch in eine neue Ära mit grünem Wasserstoff im industriellen Maßstab. thyssenkrupp nucera bietet weltweit führende Technologien für hocheffiziente Elektrolyseanlagen. Das Unternehmen – ein Joint Venture mit Industrie De Nora – verfügt über umfangreiches Know-how in Planung, Beschaffung und Bau von elektrochemischen Anlagen. Die Erfolgsbilanz umfasst mehr als 600 Projekte mit einer installierten Gesamtkapazität von mehr als 10 Gigawatt. Mit seiner Wasserelektrolyse-Technologie zur Erzeugung von grünem Wasserstoff schafft thyssenkrupp nucera innovative Lösungen im industriellen Maßstab für grüne Wertschöpfungsketten und eine Industrie, die mit sauberer Energie betrieben wird – ein großer Schritt in Richtung Klimaneutralität.

Ihre Aufgaben

In this role you will Lead all Machinery related activities of Mechanical department for all Projects execution

  • You will be required to execute the contract w.r.t Mechanical-Machinery and Package Units requirements and meet project goals.
  • You will utilize the project engineering software and other engineering tools applicable for project execution.
  • You shall strive to maintain quality, schedule & Cost within control as per the project & contract requirements.
  • You will be asked to work for Indian projects & global projects
  • You shall strive to maintain quality by following the QA working steps and procedures at Office, Vendor shops and at Client’s site
  • You shall ensure man hour control & efficiency by proactively providing information, reduce rework, error free documents etc.
  • You will be involved in Inspection of Machinery equipment & Package Units
  • You will be involved in training, developing & empowering less experienced engineers
  • You shall be required to do engineering, support procurement, participate in inspection, supervision of erection and commissioning as per project requirement.
Ihr Profil
  • Completed university studies as a graduate engineer in Mechanical department or comparable master’s degree
  • Minimum 15 years of professional experience in the aforementioned areas of responsibility, ideally in the field of Caustic plant engineering, construction and commissioning. Chemical Plant Operation also acceptable
  • Proven minimum 5 years of leadership experience as lead engineer in reputed engineering company.
  • Proven leadership experience of handling all types of Machinery equipment like different types of Compressors, Pumps (metallic & non-metallic), Blowers, Motors, Agitators, Package Units like N2PSA, Air Drying Unit, Liquification units etc.
  • Proven experience in Technical Specification preparation, checking, approving, Technical bid evaluation, Technical recommendation, Inspection at vendors shops, and Commissioning of all types of equipment as mentioned above, Inputs to P & ID, participation in 3D Model review, participation in HAZOP study etc.
  • Should have managerial skills to coordinate with personnel within company, Clients, those in company’s other subsidiary offices, sub-contractors and vendors to meet project goals
  • Structured and focused work, initiative, decision-making and empowerment, teamwork and sociability, good Communication skills and negotiating skills
  • Strong customer orientation, willingness to innovate and intercultural competence
  • Willingness to travel within India & worldwide for clients sites & vendor works for inspection
  • Willing to handle all activities independently
  • Good English language skills and communication skills
  • Experienced handling of engineering tools like 3D model, design software and data bank applications
  • Having professional experience in Electrolyser projects execution through a reputed engineering company is added advantage
  • Having production experience in Electrolyser plants is added advantage
  • Having Static equipment knowledge is added advantage 


Ihre Vorteile

Electrolysis – Green Hydrogen & Chlor Alkali Technology Provider for a livable planet.
Working on Global clients.
You will be part of new establishment for upcoming generation.
Company believes in Innovation and Employee Empowerment.
Excellent work culture

Wir schätzen Vielfalt

Das Unternehmen setzt sich für die Förderung von Vielfalt und Integration am Arbeitsplatz ein. Es ist bestrebt, ein integratives Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen, in dem die Mitarbeiter ihr volles Potenzial entfalten können, sowie eine Kultur, die Unterschiede begrüßt und ein Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit schafft.

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